Thousands of travelers visit Morocco in Ramadan. and most of them do not have a clear idea about how Moroccans live through this holy month. T
his post will cover the most important things you should know about Ramadan in general, and Ramadan in Morocco in particular.
As Ramadan approaches in Morocco, most travelers wonder what is it like visiting Morocco in Ramadan. The doubt is reasonable since it is a completely different period of time to any other in the year.
What is Ramadan?
As you may know, Morocco is a Muslim country, and Ramadan is considered to be the most religious month for Muslims. It is a month of fasting that more than 1,6 Billion Muslims around the world celebrate each and every year, in which they abstain from eating, drinking and having sexual intercourse during daylight hours, from dawn to sunset.
The practice of fasting during the holy month of Ramadan emphasizes equality because everyone goes through the same process, the rich and the poor. Moreover, fasting helps shape the human experience since it has spiritual, social and physical benefits. Through the practice of fasting, Muslim people learn to exercise patience and self control, and most importantly they are reminded that there are many people in the world who suffer from hunger and thirst on a daily basis.

Visiting Morocco in Ramadan: Tips & advice
Now that you have an overall idea about the holy month of Ramadan. I am going to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of visiting Morocco during Ramadan
If you visit Morocco in Ramadan, you will notice that everything seems to be slow: people walk slowly, the streets and roads are empty, the traffic is light. The streets and the souks are quiet and peaceful, you can wander around calmly away from the hassle as the pushy vendors disappear during the day. But when it is only a few hours to Iftar time the roads become like a race track, flooded with all kinds of vehicles.
You will have a hard time finding a place to eat, because most restaurants and coffee shops are closed during fasting hours, so it might be complicated to easily find a place to have a meal. You will need to head to the touristic areas where restaurants maintain their normal schedule.
Abstaining from food, drink, and cigarettes for long hours might put some people in a bad mood, so it might happen that you meet angry taxi drivers, vendors, etc ... Just do not take it personally and try to deal peacefully with the situation.
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Visiting Morocco In Ramadan, Is it a good idea?
In my opinion, visiting Morocco in Ramadan will not give you the opportunity to see the Moroccan life in Action, as most of the Souks and the shops are closed until around 2 pm. But you will be able to have an inside look at the way Moroccan Muslims live through the holly month of Ramadan.
If you want to come to Morocco for the beaches, the beaches in Ramadan are a happy place. you will have the chance to enjoy the beauty of the Moroccan beaches in peace and serenity, as they are usually empty and peaceful. Being there will make you feel like it is your private beach.
Is it a good idea to Visit Morocco during ramadan? The answer is: Actually it is a matter of opinion and taste, some people might enjoy their visit and others would rather choose another period of time.
Morocco becomes a complete different country during ramadan. But I think it would be a nice thing to live the experience at least once.
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Alcohol in Morocco in Ramadan
I need to mention that during the period of Ramadan, there are restrictions on the sale of alcohol. Most alcohol stores are closed, many of bars and nightclubs also close their doors in Ramadan.
You will still find places to have a beer or a drink of your choice. but it wouldn't be as easy as it is during normal days.
So if drinking alcohol is an important thing during your vacation you might not like visiting Morocco during Ramadan, you should consider coming another period of the year to better enjoy your stay.
Out of respect for the fasting Muslims, it would be preferable if you could avoid eating and drinking in public during the day. In fact, nobody will bother you if you did. Eating and drinking for tourists in public is not a problem, the same applies to smoking but it would be a very kind gesture if you don't.